The widest choice – The best brands

Ooni celebrates it's decade!

It’s true they say time flies when you’re making pizza. District BBQ is proud to offer the Ooni line of pizza ovens. Ooni is a company founded 10 years ago in England. Young in Canada and growing in popularity.

Four portable pizza ovens, one as interesting as the other. Its series is composed of the Onni Pro, Koda (12 ” or 16 “), Fyra and the Karu. With their basic elements, you can make the ultimate pizza, which is simply not possible with a domestic oven or grill.

Stylish and practical, these are the ovens you want for your backyard or other locations. A great product to get when you are a pizza lover.


THE most BEAUTIFUL outdoor kitchen store

District BBQ is the result of an organic partnership between Nergiflex, a BBQ,home and outdoor products store established  in Montreal for more than 40 years, and Station Grill, a Quebec manufacturer of some of North America’s most innovative and unique outdoor kitchens.

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